transforming security checkpoints for a leading airport

the challenge

Facing new government regulations, our client had to upgrade to "Standard Three" security technology. To meet regulatory requirements, this international airport had to re-design and implement the new technology, deliver extensive staff training, managing multiple internal and external stakeholders, all on a tight timeline, during peak summer traffic, amid ongoing construction.

the results  

The on-time implementation of the new check point will not only facilitate the growth of the international airport for years to come, but has already significantly increased passenger throughput.

  • Single-lane throughput has reached 450 passengers per hour, a 100% increase when compared to the previous security operation’s performance

  • Staff are now confidently processing in excess of 500 trays per lane during peak times

These numbers underscore the checkpoint's exceptional performance and mark a significant leap in the airports operational efficiency, garnering attention across the industry.

'With their hands-on approach, EG were instrumental in helping us surface and tackle challenges head-on, and keep the program on track, ensuring success in the delivery of our new cutting-edge security hall'

the process 

We designed a bespoke ORAT (Operational Readiness, Activation, and Transition) program that ran for nine months. This comprehensive program spanned everything from finalising the procurement details and planning of installation logistics, to the training of people, commissioning of technology and launch of the new checkpoint. It ensured a well-coordinated, phased approach to rolling out the new checkpoint, seamlessly aligning with regulatory deadlines and construction milestones.

Critically, our approach connected the new process, with the new technology all whilst engaging the people who were critical to the successful transition:

  • Process: We established a robust Concept of Operations to underpin the entire transformation. This framework ensured that all elements of the checkpoint's operation were mapped and aligned with practical requirements. This formed the basis of updated operating procedures and staff training.

  • Technology: We oversaw the final configuration designs, acceptance testing, installation, and commissioning of the security systems, rigorously verifying that each component matched the operational plan and tender specifications. We also completed stress testing, to further ensure that the systems were fit for purpose in the new checkpoint.

  • People: Our approach – as with everything we do at EG – emphasised collaboration and open communication. Recognising the magnitude of the technological leap for staff, we enabled our client to invest heavily in a comprehensive training program, thereby building confidence and competency among operators and ensuring they were ready to deliver a seamless, highly efficient service from day one. At the same time, we fostered a collaborative stakeholder ecosystem (through weekly ORAT team meetings, sub-team progress reviews, daily implementation sessions etc), and promoted open communication throughout by sharing critical path documents and regular stakeholder updates. In other words: we made sure that everyone – from construction managers to security staff – was connected, engaged and informed.

By creating an ecosystem of trust, open dialogue, and shared goals, we ensured the project’s success, overcoming significant obstacles and setting new benchmarks in airport security efficiency.

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